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How do I license clips from Universal Feature Films and TV programs?
How do I license clips from NBC entertainment programs?
What should I do if I can't find the footage I need?
Can I search the database without registering?
I registered for an account with Universal Clips, but never received my password or my account status is in Pending or Denied. What should I do?
Can I create more than one Universal Clips account?
I forgot or lost my password. What should I do?
Once I've searched the website and identified the footage I need, how do I place an order?
How soon after I place an order can I expect delivery?
Is the estimated fee final?
How do I change my request after I submit it?
How can I check the status of my request online?
Do you accept credit cards for payment?
When do I need to purchase a license for clips?
Does Universal offer exclusive licensing agreements?
How is the licensing fee calculated?
How can I license an entire film or TV episode instead of just a clip?
Does licensing from Universal constitute 100% of my clearance requirements for exhibition?
Can I extend the term of a licensing agreement I already have?
How do I license clips from other NBC affiliated programming?
How do I license full features?
I keep getting an error message when I try to use my Cart, who should I contact?
Does Universal Clips support my Browser?
Is my transaction data secure?